Lieben Mütter, die normal entbunden haben, ihre Kinder mehr, als Mütter, die einen Kaiserschnitt hatten?

Bevor ihr ausrastet: es ist Fakt, dass durch die normale Entbindung die Bindungshormone freigesetzt werden. Bei einem Kaiserschnitt spürt man nichts

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3 months ago

it is fact that the binding hormones are released by the normal debinding


It’s right that Oxytocin triggers pain.

But first of all, also women who give birth to secondary imperial cuts, and secondly, oxytocin is also spilled out by many other processes, e.g. by the naked baby lying on the naked skin of the mother (or the father!). You call Bonding. Oxytocin also releases breastfeeding.

Personal experience: I had a planned imperial cut (so no labor) and a vaginal extraclinical birth completely without interventions.

I do not notice any difference in love with my children, even if I have to admit that the bed of weeks after the vaginal birth was significantly more beautiful.

3 months ago


Also, your fact is nonsense, these hormones are spilled out by the bonding (close to the breast) after birth and this is also practiced after a sectio.

I don’t think that I would love my child a little bit more, of course it would have come to the world. This is not possible at all.

3 months ago

That’s bullshit. These hormones are poured out after release (you put the child naked immediately after birth, skin on skin, to the breast of the mother).
My sister has a not-sectio at the first child and has released her other children normally, there is no difference to her love for her children.

3 months ago

I don’t know.

I naturally disbanded both children, but I don’t think I’d love them less if they were imperial cuts.

3 months ago

If you sign something as a fact, you should also borrow evidence. Just saying something is fact does it not correct

“It’s the fact that I have 300 million in the account” sees not working.

It doesn’t make a difference for the mother’s child if you were normal or have an imperial cut at most in the case where the mother would die without the cut

3 months ago

Touches also expose oxytocin i.e. cuddle with the baby lifts the mirror. Once had house birth and once emperor cut – bond was equally intense with the two

3 months ago

My mother got me normal, and my brother got me as an imperial cut and loves us both.

I don’t think that makes any difference.


3 months ago

That would mean that fathers love their children less than mothers. That’s bullshit.

3 months ago
Reply to  Jingelbella


3 months ago
Reply to  Jingelbella
