Liebe geht über das linke Ohr?

Ich habe diverse Artikel darüber gelesen, dass Liebe über das linke Ohr geht und man dort zum Beispiel Liebesgeständnisse eher aufnimmt. Mein Partner ist auf dem linken Ohr schwerhörig ( also hat nen Hörschaden). Ich mache mir gerade total Gedanken deswegen obwohl ich weiß, dass es irrational ist. Kennt sich da jemand aus?

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1 year ago

I think that’s esoteric bullshit.

Your love doesn’t get much to your partner when you whisper it into the right ear. And even if he was completely deaf – love is not only words, but mainly deeds (so I don’t mean sex).

1 year ago

I say that with love over the left ear is wrong, at least exaggerated.

Why do I say that?

I have had several treatment blocks in a tomatis therapy that helped phenomenal even because of psychological problems that have affected my hearing ability. That’s why I’ve been a bit more concerned with the findings of Tomatis

Dr. Tomatis was an HNO doctor and son of a singer. He has developed a method with which singers, actors, interpreters and deaf war veterans could train their hearing and significantly improve. Many famous opera singers and actors regularly train with her.

But also pregnant women do this because the ear is also responsible for muscle tension in the body due to the sense of balance, and hearing training therefore leads to deep relaxation and better body perception.

Among other things, RECHTSOHRIGKEIT (again) is produced. So that the right ear, the “leading” ear, is ensured that the brain is ready first to process the signals of the right ear and then only that of the left ear.

Why? Because the nerves from the right ear have a shorter plug to the ear’s ear than those from the left ear. Because the signals from the left ear need longer one is acoustically behind in the case of “link strength”.

The Tomatis method is also used to accompany the treatment of mental and social problems.

Moreover, the right brain, more responsible for the processing of emotions, is stimulated by different sensory impressions.