Dear community, I am employed and would like to take out a loan to refinance my debts in order to pay in installments. Where would this be possible from my bank because of Schufa?

Maxda and some others had tried but without success πŸ™ˆ

I would need around €6,000-8,000 which I would pay off in 12 months with good interest rates which I am offering. I have also been employed since 2020. Do you have any tips on where I might not be able to get a loan or at least a debt consolidation loan and pay it back in installment loans? That would be great.

Because I want to have a positive Schufa rating this year and only pay a single amount, so I'm paying in installments. That would be easier and more practical. Since I've been employed for over two years, repayment wouldn't be a problem. I just can't find a bank that offers debt consolidation or loans despite Schufa.

thanks in advance

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3 years ago

No, you don’t.

So you have a negative Schufa entry and therefore don’t get a credit?
I don’t think that’s gonna be anything with the credit.

I would recommend asking you to the Jobcenter if there are any possibilities of support/financing or in the case of the retraining provider, ask whether a rate payment would be possible.

3 years ago
Reply to  meins2021

Yes. As an employee, there are also subsidies in individual cases. So just let yourself be advised, don’t cost anything.

3 years ago

The simplest solution would be to make a rat agreement with the one you owe the 6000 – 8000 euros.

Then you don’t need an external donor.

3 years ago

with debts pay? a flat number for bankers .

Ask your chef after direct deduction to the minimum.

3 years ago
Reply to  meins2021

Milk girl bill is called that .

3 years ago

There are providers for such credit requests. If I can get some more information, I can ask at my pool.

You can ask me a friendship request if you want.

3 years ago
Reply to  meins2021

If you give me your email address, I’ll send you a form.

But you should not post the address here, but about the friendship request.