Lichtblitz bei Netzteil beim Umlegen des Schalters normal?
Moin, hab mir letztens ein Pc zusammengebaut und hab mir ein Netzteil von be quiet gekauft. Immer wenn ich den Schalter umlege blitzt es ganz kurz auf und der Pc läuft. Manchmal aber wenn ich den netzschalter umlege fliegt die Sicherung nur in meinem Zimmer, dann wenn ich die Sicherung wieder aktiviert habe, lege ich den Schalter um und dann kommt dieser Blitz und der Pc funktioniert. Ist das ein Defekt am Netzteil oder ist das „normal“ so?
The light flash is normal even if it is usually not visible which cable you use
Flying the fuse can have some causes just in the old building can abrupt fuses depending on the load (all consumers not only the PC) jump quickly often they can be hard to put back in because all devices at the same time try to draw power and produce their willingness
It also fits on another circuit
Use the supplied cable
in the kitchen the Pc works without the fuse flies
Then you probably work at the limit of the load on your backup or is not unusual in old construction
has once connected a sun on-current limiter everything without the fuse has worked
That stimulates with the suspicion that it is not on the pc
There’s a lot of tension on such a power supply, but if the fuse is in your room, it’s not normal!
What kind of power supply have you installed?
is a be quiet system power 10
How much wattage?
A conventional line allows a maximum of 16 amperes, at 230V. That’s 3680W at most what a line does. In old buildings, however, the maximum can also be significantly lower.
Depending on how many consumers hang on the line and at the same time try to draw power, it can become narrow when suddenly a 1000 W power supply is added and the capacitors are charged.
Consumers are not only meant in your room. Lines for several rooms are often laid.
Is a non modular power supply everything is properly connected, just send it back
Then I would suspect a defect in the power supply and send it back. Provided, of course, all cables fit correctly into the components and in the power supply (with modular design).
Is 750 watt power supply, with me only my room is designed individually. Only my pc, and monitor with a multiple socket is connected.
The switching flash is normal, but should be in the power supply or Switch whose not visible… If the fuse flies, you have a short circuit or an overvoltage, with an error the FI would fly.
during the first time, the fuse will fly during the second time after the fuse is active again because this flash of light comes out of the power supply
It is not normal that your fuses fly out and visible flashes come. Look if really all the cables are properly plugged in, even if it is easy to sit, it can cause big problems.
Otherwise write directly to the manufacturer. If you’ve built it, it’s a guarantee.
Have the Pc for 2 weeks warranty until 2027, all cables are right in otherwise would have been melted already
Then turn back to the manufacturer. It’s best to have a picture of lightning or something.
If I have understood correctly, the fuse will only fly when the power supply is switched on and off, and there are arcs of light quite normal because the connection is interrupted or restored.
However, this is often not visible
Every time a flash and almost every time the fuses out is not normal. Yeah, I’ve seen the flashes while plugging in too often, but shouldn’t be visible if everything is installed correctly.
The flash is normal and no rarity when plugging in cables
The fuse can have multiple causes, especially in old buildings, can sometimes overload the fuses for many other consumers or I would therefore recommend the test in another circuit for the first time.