Lian li Lüfter?
Hi ich hatte mir zu Weihnachten 6x mal die Lian li sl inf 120 geholt nun habe ich aber das Problem das der Controller für die Lüfter von Lian li nicht kompatibel mit den Lüftern ist, ich habe mir dummerweise die Lüfter einzeln gekauft und nicht als 3er pack gibt es den irgendwie trotzdem eine Möglichkeit die Lüfter mit dem Controller zu steuern Danke im Voraus ( Bild von den Lüftern ist im Angang )
I also had to do with Lian Li as a hardware admin at a pharmaceutical dealer. The subject is not a pure Lian problem. For example, you could install a separate fan control and into a 3.5′ or 5 1/4′ slot of the building and then control the fans. This makes sense because the Mobo’s own fan-power management no longer needs to be used, at best, only that or the signals can be picked up in some controls. There are also those without front slots.
Here you can choose everything and complete it with software.
I’m really sorry and I’m very grateful for the answer and help, but maybe screens could explain again for someone who has almost no idea of it now I had bought an external adapter for the fans speed and an external controller for the colors this does not work. The link they added to this controller was already there the problem that the plugs of my fans were not compatible with the ports of the controller Again thank you in advance
Sure. I recommend an IT dealer near the residence.