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1 year ago

If you set a=2, the second equation is

2x + 4y = 0.

This is equivalent to:

x + 2y = 0;

the first equation is:

x + 2y = 1.

However, it cannot be x+2y simultaneously 0 and 1. Therefore, in this case the equation system has no solution.

In all other cases, however, the solution is clear.

11 months ago
Reply to  PsySkill

Since a € R is a = 2 a permissible value. That’s why you have to
I would like to point out that this is the result.

11 months ago

how on a?

if a second grease is apparent from the first by multiplication, it is actually the same .

where k* (x + 2y ) = ax + 4y becomes , k = 2 (due to 2*2y = 4y) and a is then equal to 2

However, since on the right not both times the same number, no solution can be found with a=2. Now the SPECIAL has no solution with a =2 and can now close: Then there is a solution with a unequal 2.



or get it.


make II 2y = -ax/2 and use in I


x + -ax/2 = 0

x*( 1 – a/2 ) = 0

11 months ago

x + 2y = 1

ax + 4y = 0

row 2 – 2 * line 1 :

ax – 2x = -2

x(a-2) = -2

For a=2, the left side is 0, i.e. the GLS has no solution.

For all others a, the GLS has exactly one solution.