Lexoffice Beleg mit Ausgaben und Einnahmen?
Hey. Ich bekomme von meinen Onlineshop einmal im Monat mein Geld überwiesen. Das Geld ist schon abzüglich den Aufwendungen.
Nur wie bekomme ich es verbucht. Bekomme einen Auszahlungsnachweis (Rechnung) wo einmal die Erlöse und zum anderen die Aufwendungen auf einer Rechung stehen.
Bei Lexoffice kann ich nur entweder Einahne, Einnahmeminderung, Ausgabe oder Ausgabenmunderung angeben.
Well, you have to book the right revenues and expenses
However, I have a document where revenue and expenditure have been billed.
How do I book the position separately?
You book every single process as receipt or output.
What the online shop will do to you as a result is very important here.
As a take.
And how do I book the issue?
As an output, as usual.
If there could be a dream
Oh, I understand the problem now. This might have to go through such a function in the program as documents split or documents split.
Exactly, however, Lexoffice wants to combine the invoice with a payment.
You’ve had to pay the expenses. They were deducted from the revenue. However, the revenue and expenditure must be collected separately for the receipt of the surplus account. You got a bill where all this was separated. So you have to enter this in the program.
But I didn’t pay