Levis Jeans tragen mit 35 Jahren?
Bin 35 und wollte einfach mal so wissen ob ich mit dem Alter Levis Jeans tragen kann oder ob diese Jeans eher was für ältere Leute ist.
Bin 35 und wollte einfach mal so wissen ob ich mit dem Alter Levis Jeans tragen kann oder ob diese Jeans eher was für ältere Leute ist.
Hallo, kann ich die zwei blauen Jeans auf dem Bild bedenkenlos zusammen waschen? Eine ist hellblau und die andere ist dunkelblau und ich habe die Sorge dass die hellere Jeans dunkle Flecken von der dunkleren Jeans bekommt
Hey ihr Lieben, habt ihr Erfahrungen mit Wäscheparfüms oder Weichspülern, die die Wäsche intensiv gut riechen lässt? Ich probiere immer zahlreiche Wäscheprodukte aus, aber nichts bringt wirklich intensiven Geruch. Empfehlungen?
Würde mich mal interessieren, was ihr euch so für das neue Jahr vorsetzt. Gerne Geschlecht und Alter dazu
My grandfather never wore jeans. Cords or suits. Maybe Knickerbocker. In the meantime, it doesn’t matter what you wear, you can also wear a pyjama pants when you get it. It is not allowed to discriminate against anyone in this country and it does not matter to people.
Of course you can wear jeans. Whatever brand.
Just for information. There are even Levis – jeans in child size.
That’s not a matter of age. Of course, you can wear… exactly like 15 years old and 60 years old.
No, it’s only 50 years old. Before, you can’t wear them because the body knocks them off…
It was just a question because I usually only saw older people in Levis.
You could have answered that question yourself.
Or is there a reason why younger people should not be able to do this?
You can wear it at any age.
Is one of the brand names that lasts for a long time
You can wear what you want. If you want to wear it then do it, it doesn’t matter what others say
Wishes a nice 4.Advent 🤭❄️☃️
Levi’s always go, no matter what age.
That’s right.
It is only necessary to take care of some after washing and well… Skinny jeans have a negative effect on many.
Actually, you don’t wash jeans at all or at least very rarely.
That’s why…
But then there are a few spots you can’t take anymore…
These trousers are timeless and have always been up to date for 100 years, no matter what age.
M, 24: I’ve been wearing only Levi’s since I was 14. Then why don’t you?
The manufacturer of a pants has nothing to do with age.
When I was still pupils, Levis’ were super hip… so I can’t understand why these jeans were just something for older people!? o
Jeans are suitable for all age groups