Leute was hättet ihr gemacht?
Mein Vater macht Geschäfte im Handel und er hat vor kurzem etwas gekauft im 5 stelligen Betrag und dadurch fast kein Geld mehr. Er hat bei sich ein Auto stehen wo aber teile fehlen und bevor das Auto repariert werden kann muss man natürlich erstmal die Teile bestellen, ich hab von meinem eigenen Geld bestimmt bisher 1k+
bezahlt,und auch wenn er sagt ich kriege das Geld zurück, find ich das ehrlich nicht okay.
jetzt fehlen bestimmt noch Teile im Wert von 1.000€ und er fragte mich ja hast du die Teile schon gefunden, und ich meinte:
natürlich hab ich diese gefunden aber die müssen auch bezahlt werden, und dann fragt er mich: hast du kein Geld? Und dann meinte ich, ich hab schon Geld nur kann ich nicht alles bezahlen.
Was hättet ihr gemacht? Ich sehe es selber nicht ein das ich selber arbeite für das Geld damit ich dann teile für sein Fahrzeug kaufe das er verkaufen will, und ich dann Wochen warten muss bis ich das Geld zurück bekomme.
Even if you love your father, he is not a businessman and he will never be. It may be that he can negotiate well, but he doesn’t understand anything about a management. His risk assessment is bad, he can’t handle money.
He will continue to do this, you will not see your already paid money anymore. Any other money would be “à conte perdus”. Either you tell him clearly that he is growing and that he is doing business. Finazierung is his thing and you are not a bank.
Or you are able and have time for it, and get into its accounting and budget (if available). If the business has “hand and foot”, it could be that you take all the planning and budget and he has to withdraw in this relationship. He then takes over the part he makes good.
This can be a solution that I have experienced as successful in my acquaintance. A good craftsman is rarely a good “manager”.
Thank you for your comment but please don’t judge anyone if you don’t know him, my father didn’t always have it easy in life, and he was very far up but he was often too naive and many friends were in the end just to people who wanted money.
And he has a lot of experience in the field but I still don’t think that he has trusted other people who don’t make everything right and then I should stand for it with my money you know
I don’t judge your father. He is simply not qualified for management and juggling with operating capital is not exactly his parade discipline. That’s what the majority of people do.
For your father, this is a tormenting thing because he even has to “pump” his daughter. It is quite conceivable that it would like to accept the advice of his daughter, it would be a relief for him. For this, one assumes the opinion of one’s own daughter rather than that of a “remd adviser”.
My father wanted to open his own electric business at the time. He didn’t do it because my mother was against it.
Be sure your husband can do almost everything and would do the job perfectly. He’d never send invoices. She would have to take over the management, this with 4 children. I can understand them today.
Of course, right and I have no problem to help what I do, but I don’t just sacrifice or pay his business and always help but lose at the end instead of getting something to do
When you start with it, you get into a vicious circle that you can leave very hard. So don’t pay.
So even if he’s mad, he’s better not pay anything? He still has to give me the money back for what I have paid so far