Leute können mir keine Anfragen auf Instagram senden?
Ich hab geguckt und nichts gefunden wo ich es hätte umstellen können. Immer wenn man mir eine Anfrage auf Instagram senden möchte, steht dort „du kannst nur Nachrichtenanfragen senden wenn er/sie dir folgt“. Hab schon App deinstalliert und alles und nochmal neugestartet aber funktioniert alles nicht. Weiß jemand was ich dagegen tun kann?
Scroll down the three lines at the top right-hand side of the page until “Respond Messages and Story” is displayed and tap “Other Instagram Users”> then tap “News Requests”. Or is that set for you?
In fact, I’ve already stopped it, yet my followers are almost denied to be able to write to me. You get to the chat via detours, but then it looks like on the photo. Generally, if you are on my account, there are these “news” Button not at all but only a long episode I Button 🤷🏻 ♂️
Is your acc on private or public?
No thing 🙂
I have also done, thank you for the help 🙏🏼
Then see if you can update the app, maybe you don’t have the latest version (but actually deleted the app and download it again, shouldn’t be the case, but go back to the number and check in the AppStore), otherwise this should be a technical problem and you should write the Instagram support for it.
It is open