Leute ich brauch hilfe? Pico 4?
Hallo leute
Ich hab ein großes problem mit mein pico 4
Wenn ich meine pico 4 mit pc verbinde durch pico connect und dann steam vr an machen bekomme ich black screen WAS soll ich tun
Aber auf pc sehe ich alles
Was soll ich tun
I know the problem, I had it.
I’d update Pico Connect on PC and glasses.
Turn off firewall.
Ew glasses directly connect to PC If the PC and the LAN also has w-lan.
The glasses are started a second time.
The w-lan 5 ghz and not 2.4 ghz must be displayed on the glasses. 2.4 is enough to play over the internet.
Come on discord. OSRAM808.
And most of all, give the technique time, it can take a wiele until the connection stands.
Thank you for your answer but I don’t understand you mean
Once again the glasses are started a second time.and
The w-lan 5 ghz and not 2.4 ghz must be displayed on the glasses. 2.4 is enough to play over the internet.
“With in and again,” it can happen with every device that he gives a wrong start, I mean.
What’s your W-Lan sender? I’m gonna go check the glasses where I saw the net. I’m trying to answer on Sunday. It’s mega annoying if it just doesn’t go, it has spent hours with it.
Are you on discord?
Thank you.
If you’re connected to the PC, go to the menu. W-lan , and then sited under the net name 2.4/5 or only 2.4??
Yes I am on discord