Leute bitte helft mir? Liegt es an mir?
Bin echt depressiv irgendwie
Ich denke ich brauche ne Frau im Leben um meine Unzufriedenheit zu stillen , weil ich schon mein Leben lang single war und ich werde in diesem Monat 28 😀
Bin sozial auch nicht sehr stark unterwegs, bin eher ein ruhiger und zurückhaltender Mensch. Aber das heißt nicht, dass ich nicht gut reden kann ,wenn’s drauf ankommt
Naja keine Ahnung, hab nicht viele Freunde sondern kenne halt viele Leute aber dann sagt man nur hallo und tschüss oder fragt nur kurz wie geht’s ect.
Aber jedes Wochenende ist es gleich bei mir . Nämlich da ist nix los. Nur chillen Zuhause und eventuell alleine in die Stadt oder auch alleine ins Training.
Ich hab vor dem alleine sein zwar keine Angst und ich mache es gerne. Aber ich halte diesen Zustand langsam nicht mehr aus , dass ich single bin
Nur heutzutage hat man es sehr schwer ne Frau zu kriegen auf langfristiger Basis. Vorallem wenn man wie ich türkischen Herkunft hat und nicht den beliebtesten Namen 😀 zumal ich auch keine 1.80 groß bin ect.
Bin aber trotzdem ein kommunikativer Mensch, nur kann ich nicht leicht auf Leute zugehen und kann nicht ganz herzensnah sein, was auch der Beweis dafür ist, warum ich keinen besonderen sozialen Status habe
Hilft mir 😀 auch wenn mein 28 Ter Geburtstag bald ansteht fühle ich mich in der jetzigen Lage irgendwie wie 20 …
A woman wouldn’t solve your problems! She’s not the miracle you’re hoping for.
You can only change yourself – to the positive. Learn to get clear with yourself. Your origin doesn’t matter. Be confident. Because as soon as you get clear with yourself, others will also be aware of you. You don’t have to care about your head anymore and I’m poor. Stop it!
Have fun in life show others that you can have fun.
Canim who believes is important and gives stop if you don’t do anything then something is wrong if you don’t do anything, then that’s not counterproductive for your future. A woman will hardly accept you as much as you have very happy and she loves you so much that you both try to achieve something, but be sure if you are unsatisfied with yourself then you transfer negative energy to the partner and that women quickly, even all the other people, therefore work on you, start working etc. and distance yourself from a bad environment that doesn’t keep you alive. Look for it not with others but with you, you alone are responsible for your life, you alone have your luck in your hand, stop complaining, there are people who are much worse, limit your desolate, not so much lazy, make the best of your life.
Hello first,
I can understand your feeling because I used to be in a similar situation. I’ve been forgiven for five years. But I can tell you one thing: a friend alone does NOT make you happy! It’s a need and that’s okay. At the beginning of a relationship, your body pours out happiness hormones, everything is mega horny and great, but this condition goes away and you come back to your old mental patterns. If you continue to be dissatisfied with you, there will be no relationship. You have to be clean with yourself so that it can work.
But the most important thing is: SEI DU SELBST. Always. Work on you and your problems, but don’t fundamentally change to please others. The right people will come.
You’re good!
You may be right about relationship.
I mean, man always wants what he lacks, but as soon as he gets it he may be dissatisfied again
But I still don’t want to feel alone 😢
And feel emotional as well as physical proximity 🤣
search no excuses bro
What is a friendship app?
You don’t mean anything like spontacts or ?
You have to meet strange people somewhere
I don’t know if that’s so horny, it’s more risky because you can’t make mistakes.
A song from Xavier Naidoo goes through my head. He says you should never lose the courage to stand up to look after her.
If you have a party mile near you, or you have fashioned bars and clubs to celebrate, just go out and talk to some women. Be friendly, humorous and not intrusive.
I’ve never been to life and I don’t drink
Even if I go to a club
Then what?
You think you’ll be the woman I can live with in the long term?
It can be anywhere. You can also get to know them in the gym, on the bus, on the train, on the road, while shopping, actually everywhere. What’s the point?
Dissatisfaction can never be “stilled” with something outside. First you transform your discontent inside.
You don’t need a woman, you just need female energy. That you find in yourself. In every human being, the counter-sex energy is also slumbering.
What kind of feminine energy? 🤣 I am a man and must radiate masculineity
Hermetic Law of Gender.
Google like that.
Yes you are a man and your main task is to radiate masculineity.
But only together, male and female energy form a unit.
It’s only important to establish that you don’t have to look for female energy outside, but that you can find it in yourself first.
You can heal yourself with the feminine energy, so to speak, by letting both energies in you become a unity.