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1 year ago

You have to test and then decide what you like better. I would say Flying V

1 year ago

Take your hand!

Gibson was always far away for me; all my guitarist colleagues played Strat models, ES was considered jazz and swaying at the amplifier, …

Then the first Les Paul came because the acoustic pick-up enthused me, since that time my fenders (strat and also a standard-tele) spend most of the time in the suitcase.

The LP also did not remain alone, there were some others joined and ES models and also

1 year ago

We can’t know what’s right with you.

To do this, you should just go into a bigger music business and try it out.

I personally don’t get clear with SGs, I feel more comfortable with LPs, but that can be quite different with you again.

Or you just select a Yamaha SG as I mentioned it in your other thread. of course, there are also other central routes. Zb, PRS

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