Lernt man in deutschen Schulen etwas über das byzantinischen Reich? Und wenn ja, wie viel?

Da ich Geschichte abgewählt habe, kann ich das nicht so richtig beurteilen.

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2 years ago

It is briefly mentioned at the outskirts as the successor of the Roman Empire, but much more than that there was no experience.

2 years ago

A lot depends on the individual teacher and the time when you went to school. With me, the Egyptian Antiquity was taken through in 1-2 school hours and then the Greek Antiquity came briefly. After that, history fell out. In the 7th grade, the end of the Roman Republic was persuaded and the beginning of the principle. In the 8th class came the French absolutism and the French Revolution. In the 9th grade, the time of enlightenment was discussed with Hobbes and Locke and in the 10th. Class was then the end of the Empire until World War II. In the upper level you could then choose various topics.

90% of my historical knowledge I have received through Father and read in books.

2 years ago

Nothing we learned.