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2 months ago

By making you realize how important a good school degree is for your future.

How do you imagine your professional future?

  • You want to be a loser?
  • Or do you want to have an interesting job that will make you enjoy and make good money with?
2 months ago


it means Not for school, but for life we learn.

This is how you can learn:

– follow the lessons attentively, participate actively

– Do your homework properly and regularly

– regularly learn vocabulary; every day 10 – 15 minutes

– regularly practice grammar; every day 10 – 15 minutes

– regularly solve math tasks

– Apply in practice (experiments, natural laws, etc.) and deepen, e.g. by

– reading books on the current teaching material

– reading sophisticated literature and newspapers, English and foreign language books and literature

– watching sophisticated television and news shows, reports and (documentary) films

– Learning and Knowledge Games

– Quiz and puzzle tasks, crossword puzzle, sodokus

– Theatre and opera visits

– Visit readings

– Museum visits

– Excursions

– Learning, education and language travel

Learning by doing! and not by passive sprinkling.

– Many of these things do in the community more fun as alone, so get your friends and/or classmates into the boat and

– makes homework together and learns together

– forms learning groups in which you help and support each other; sometimes also ‘interdisciplinary’, so that e.g. ‘Mathe-Asse’, ‘English-Assen’ in math help the jumps and vice versa.

If one takes as many of these points as possible, learn fun and one does not need to be afraid of unannounced tests and not to buffalo for hours before classwork.

Learn regularly in small portions – Quality instead of quantity – brings more than hours before class work to the night. At the latest after 1 hour, the cerebral cavity is dense. The next morning you go to school and to class work.

I recommend:

the following free training pages on the Internet: you can enter school form and class and ask for the current school material; and not only for English. Good for preparation for class work.) to the aforementioned page)

– Learning videos from bildunginteractive . com

After daily learning, you can go swimming with an ice cream, a good book or film, or whatever you like. This is also motivated.

If this works with learning, your parents may also be able to talk about a special holiday or a language holiday (ferienfreizeit, host family, student exchange), a small extra gift, fulfilling a very special desire, etc.

Have fun and success in learning!


2 months ago

You’re in puberty, you have enough challenges with yourself, that’s a difficult time when you need to get clear.

There can also be a low school, a learning depth, I had problems with Mathe, then a post-help student in Mathe and then got the curve again.

You start again, you have to track your goals, what you want to do later on, sometimes you have to overcome your pig dog, even after a low point, look ahead again.

Do as I have guessed in the other question, you will definitely come back to the normal routine,

It’s worth learning for his goals, you don’t think that in so young years, but I’ve often regretted not doing an Abi.

Maybe someone can ask you in vocabulary, or you learn to two with a classmate.

Learning in a few ways, set priorities, which is the most important and must come first. After the work done, you can enjoy a small break, music, cell phone, or fruit. Otherwise, the phone should be out during learning.

I’ve been able to learn music at the best of the night, I’ve always pushed it out a bit, but I don’t suggest the faster you’ve done your tasks and learning, the more you have free time.

It is really worthwhile if you have more motivation to learn, that always benefits you in life.

Good for you.

2 months ago

Interest is the best motivation and at the same time a measure of intelligence. What you will not be interested in will not be easy to learn and what you will be interested in without effort.