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2 years ago

Maria Montessori says: “help me to do it yourself.” The child needs a good prepared environment. The term “prepared environment” coined in the Montessori education means everything that meets the child in the children’s house, that is, space, material and pedagogy. In order to support the child in his individual development, material is available for all ages. Materials are also prepared for the next development zone so that the child is encouraged to develop. Montessori materials become the key to the world for the child. This means that all materials are used to acquire skills for everyday life. They are clearly arranged and have their fixed space in an open shelf accessible to the children. It is complete, clean and ordered by the different material areas and difficulty levels. Each material is only available once.

I’m not gonna say that.

2 years ago


Even if it sounds implicitly threatening, this expression “what can be done” – it contains something like “I’m going to bind you now from the chair, and then you can do something”

I think you mean that they are not only passively sitting in front of the TV, but are creatively on the go and this is also supported by parents.

2 years ago

Faster? Perhaps, but more importantly, it is better to remember and learn on several levels.

2 years ago

I think so. The school pretends to learn too much like a child.
From Vera F. Birkenbihl (R.I.P) there is also one or other matching video.

1+1 = 2
2+2 = 4
3+3 = 6
4+4 = 9

It’s gonna be so screwed up that the last task is wrong.
But that you’ve done everything right before it’s more of a sideliness.

2 years ago

Sure. Collecting your own experiences is always important

2 years ago

Yes, children learn by trying and gain their own experiences.

2 years ago

Yes, learning by doing.

2 years ago

What you tell me, I forget that. What you show me, I remember. What you let me do; I understand. Confucius

2 years ago

Not just kids.