Lernen im Betrieb während Urlaub keine Arbeiszeit?


Ich bin Auszubildener und hab im Feburar meine mündliche Ergänzungsprüfung da ich die schriftliche nicht bestanden habe.

Jetzt habe ich zwei Wochen Urlaub zum lernen bekommen.

Allerdings soll ich während der Woche 2mal ganze 8 Stunden in den Betrieb um dort zu lernen, dies gilt aber nicht als Arbeitszeit sondern als Urlaubstag.

Mir ist es ja egal wo ich lerne aber wenn ich hier sein MUSS wohlgemerkt dann sollte es schon als Arbeitszeit berechnet werden.

Oder liege ich falsch? MFG 🙂

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2 months ago

What do you mean, get a holiday?

I also had time to learn from the company, but was not an official holiday. And I had to spend the time in the company.

If the two weeks are your officially submitted holiday, do what you want. Whether you’re learning or not.

2 months ago

Do not learn working during holidays?

If you officially on holiday of course, time cannot be counted as working time. How you use your holiday personally, it’s up to you. If you learn on holiday, it’s your free time.

If you officially released then the learning time is also working time. Whether you do it at home or at work, it usually has to be coordinated with the operation.

2 months ago

The company offers you the opportunity to learn after you have uttered the first exam. This is an offer that does not offer any company. It should be worth the holidays so you can do the exam this time. It’s about your future, not feelings. Good luck.

2 months ago

If you take vacation days for it, it’s not legal that the company requires you to come for it…

2 months ago

“and have my oral supplementary examination in the Feburar since I did not pass the written.”

You don’t get a holiday for fun, but because due to your bulky exam, you cook longer money than necessary or you can’t use it as a full-fledged work force.

“I don’t care where to learn”

Then don’t bother yourself and be glad you’ll be paid for learning again. Otherwise, you should continue to learn after the evening. In fact, you are paid for pure learning.