Lenkrad steht nicht mittig?
Hallo, das Lenkrad meines Golf 5 Variant steht nicht mittig.(Leicht nach links) Jetzt soll der neuen TÜV bekommen. Ist das ein Problem? Könnte an der Spureinstellung liegen oder vielleicht auch an meinen Winterreifen?!
Wenn da ein Schaden wäre, müsste der Gebrauchtwagenhändler dafür aufkommen?, weil ich die 6 monatige Gewährleistung noch habe.
Whether the steering wheel is a bit sloping, the TÜV does not care. A problem could be the possible cause. There are some things in question. A beaten track rod joint, a twisted crossbar and even low air pressure on a tire spontaneously fall into my mind. You should definitely check these things and, if necessary, make them stand up and then maybe. allow an axle measurement to be performed. The seller will not accept this, however, since all wear and tear ‘fall’ damage.
If track rod heads are knocked out, it has nothing to do with the liability of the material.
I don’t know you’re gonna shoot the curb somewhere.
tüv shouldn’t be a problem, and if you need to swap the broken parts or set the track.
After 6 months, you’re in evidence and have to prove that the defect has already been purchased.
I doubt you’re buying a car where the steering wheel is wrong.
can only be interpreted so that the six months are not around and the burden of proof lies with the seller.
No warranty is one year the first 6 months seller, after which the buyer
wait for what the TÜV says, then you have it black on white for the dealer