Leitfeder links oder unten?
Ich will mir diesen recurve Bogen kaufen dazu brauche ich natürlich noch Pfeile.Bei der variation der Pfeile werde ich dann gefragt ob die leitfeder links oder unten sein soll,jetzt weis ich nicht was ich wählen soll.
Ich will mir diesen recurve Bogen kaufen dazu brauche ich natürlich noch Pfeile.Bei der variation der Pfeile werde ich dann gefragt ob die leitfeder links oder unten sein soll,jetzt weis ich nicht was ich wählen soll.
Sie sollte mindestens 50€ kosten
Hallo zusammen, ich habe gerade viele Fragen dazu gelesen und auch in Foren viel durchforstet, aber so wirklich eine Antwort findet man nicht. ich will am Wochenende zu einem airsoft Event, habe aber leider kein Auto zur Verfügung. Laut Foren kann ich meine „Waffe“ im verschlossenen Koffer mitnehmen, wenn ich Munition und Magazin getrennt transportiere….
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Schönen guten Tag, Mein Bruder und ich haben Luftdruck bzw Co2 Waffen unter 7,5 Joule. Leider haben wir keine möglichkeit mehr damit zu schießen sprich den Platz… kennt jemand eine Möglichkeit in Berlin oder Spandau damit schießen zu gehen um natürlich auch die Gesetze einzuhalten. Eventuell auch ohne irgendwelche Schützenvereine oder große Schießstände. Das ist…
Hallo, darf ein 4jähriges Kind im Schwimmbad mit Erlaubnis der Eltern im tiefen Becken sein? Oder mit Erlaubnis des Bademeisters? LG
Hello Ferari44,
the guide spring must always show away from the bow, in your case (right hand arch) so to the left. And you left the selection down? In no case can the guide spring show down, what is this? In the case of a compound, it basically shows upwards, but these are also other arrow rests. But with every other bow, she always has to show off the bow.
The one who asked this doesn’t seem to have the big idea. So because of the option “down” . . . A feather that hits down on the arrow rest probably doesn’t need anybody, I think.
Do you want to shoot with visor? I only ask because there can be problems with the visibility of the sighting tunnel in the short central part and short distances.
What kind of shop / dealer is that? As arch friend has already written, the guide spring always shows away from the bow. Only at the crossbow shows the guide spring down. – It’s only important for Moonnocks. With flat or omni cams it doesn’t matter how to insert the arrow in the crossbow. However, a spring always shows down to the rail.
At the crossbow, the guide spring can actually be down? Doesn’t she slip on the bolt pad? O.K., I don’t know. . .
And the part that hangs from above over the rail is the arrow downholder. It presses slightly from above against the arrow and ensures that the arrow does not fall out. As he accelerates, he also keeps the arrow in track.
These are all things the crossbow gets her precision. If the arrow leaves the crossbow every time.
Also safety. I believe without an arrow downholder and a spring lying down in the rail, the danger would be too great that the tendon slips over the cam and the arrow flies uncontrolled somewhere.
Grade for you to quickly find out a picture where you can see it.
Look at the crossbow. Especially the rail where the arrow rests. In the notch is the spring. The other two are at the top right and left of the rail. It is even important to keep the arrow in track when it is accelerated. With flat and omni cams it doesn’t matter what spring shows down. Can you imagine how you want. With Moonnocks or cams that have a bow-like notch, you put the cam in such a way that it can be grasped by the tendon as with the bow and of course suitable for the guide spring.
The arrow downholder, and then of course also the part on which the sight sits. This even presses the laterally lying springs down.. .. Sure, then a spring can hardly show up. And a notch below I didn’t have on the screen either. Thank you for the pictures. Even if the crossbow isn’t mine, it’s interesting