Leistung der Lichtmaschine eines 50ccm-Rollers (z.B. Peugeot Buxy) zur Batterie?
Mich interessiert, was leistet die Lichtmaschine eines 50ccm-Roller?
Was kann man konkret an der Batterie entnehmen, ohne diese zu entladen.
Wenn also die Lichtmaschine z.B. Licht und Batterieladung getrennt versorgt (zwei Spulen), dann wäre nur wichtig was die Batterie erreicht.
Allerdings ist dann die Frage, warum nicht gleich die Gesamt-Energie auf Lampe und Batterie zugleich gelegt wird. Würde doch keinen Unterschied machen, außewr dass man mehr Watt hat. Die Lampe liefe auch nicht dunkler, aber auch nicht zu stark. Und Ich könnte mehr Watt für z.B. einen Spannungswandler zu 230V abgreifen.
Ich will schauen, ob es 12V/230V-Wandler gibt, die von der Dimensionierung die Lichtmaschine nicht überschreiten.
Daher wäre es natürlich auch gut zu wissen, was die Lichtmaschine im Standgas, und bei Vollgas liefert.
Für USB nehme Ich 12V-Stecker, falls das jemand erwähnen will.
Es geht schon um die Möglichkeit (erst mal nur Interesse was geht) mal ein 230V-Gerät anzuschließen. Ein 25W-Lötkolben wäre sicher kein Problem, auch ohne Echtsinus, aber dafür gibt es auch Gaslötkolben.
Wenn Ich wirklich mal Strom an einem Ort brauche, habe ich einen Minigenerator bis 550W, aber so eine 230V-Steckdose im Roller für spontane Kleingeräte, das hätte was.
Es gibt ja so nicht-Echt-Sinus-Teile mit rund 75W für den Zigarettenanzünder für unter €10 (zumindest vor Jahren).
Gäbe es da auch was in der Größe mit Echtsinus, darf das auch etwas mehr kosten.
Allerdings wäre dann gut, gäbe es das auch als an z.B. einem Rohr zu befestigende Box (wo Ich Kabel anschließe), nicht für den Zigarettenanzünder.
I’m sorry, but the question is simply completely wrong. Two coils that supply separately? How do you want to regulate it and smooth it halfway?
The battery is the center for uniform voltage and if the time becomes too high the controller engages and switches the light machine back. In the case of a separate coil, the field excitation can then only regulate it together.
By the way, there would be huge Elkos or a second battery for smoothing.
Only a little power is delivered at the stand, over 2000 tours probably have so 75% dr power.
The speed doesn’t matter, it only depends on the speed.
The lighting machine is about 95 watts at rated speed. Of these are 45 W for lighting, about 50 for the battery charge.
A voltage converter is pointless, with the small battery the voltage already breaks on with low current consumption, so that the converter turns off.
The battery has 7 Ah, i.e. 84 watt hours, of which about 60 are usable. The starter only laughs when you confirm it, then the kickstarter Ran has to.
“Nennial speed”? There are two relevant cases, in the stand with running engine, i.e. “Standgas”, and at ~50kmh on track.
50W at full gas? If I do not connect with more than 50W (once the losses of the conversion ignored) during the ride, the battery is not really loaded. Are basically just the blinkers, and the starters.
The scooter jumps immediately, also with kickstarter.
Where does Ah have the battery?
Standard for scooters and by the height of the fixation at the Peugeot Buxy are 4Ah. Even if I could get 7Ah in with household rubber bands instead of the original fixation.
Even if it were “only” 48Wh, these are 2 days electricity with 1W. OK, possibly. 34h (at factor), i.e. about 1.5 days.
And while driving or standing, the motor runs.
And you must not forget, 12V-to-5V converters with quick-adjusting capability, also built directly for motorized two-wheelers, with Quick-Charge 3.0 to 18W. My Note4 power supply needs 15W (if the battery is empty, possibly even more when the 15W goes in, and something else comes through the heat) also 15W and more. QC4+ to 27W.
And “USB Power Delivery” has in profile:
1: 10 Watt (smartphones, hard drives, small accessories)
2: 18 Watt (smartphones, tablets, small notebooks, larger accessories)
3: 36 Watt (future smartphones, notebooks, displays, strokes, gr. accessories)
4: 60 Watt (large notebooks, hubs, docking stations)
5: 100 Watt (workstations, strokes, external graphics cards)
You can have up to 3 and 4 on the scooter.
Such inverters are available from current €2,46 postage free. In the part (Ebay 123143243509) there is no wattage. I guess 75W.
Almost over €10 for 150W, similar dimensions, also directly for the cigarette lighter jack.
Years ago, I packed such a 75W part together with a scooter battery and a SCART seed receiver into a small shoulder photo bag, and used as a satmeter. This is therefore usable and not very short.
By the way, the screen was a mobile DVB-T-TV with 7″ display, own internal battery.
So the light is electrically completely separated from the battery?
The reason is not quite clear to me yet.
If you would separate the light from the castle, there is no risk of leaving it. Or you even want to, that would be an advantage.
Light in stand without running motor.
The light only shines when the engine is running. This does not load the battery.