Leichte verstopfte Nase?
seit einer Woche habe ich jetzt schon eine leicht verstopfte Nase ohne Erkältung oder andere Symptome es is wie gesagt nur leicht besonders merke ich es wenn ich ins Bett gehen will und liege. Und ja ich weiß man sollte zum Arzt gehen dennoch würde ich gerne ein paar Dinge hören die helfen könnten
Make mint oil to the chin and inhale it automatically while breathing. Don’t rub it in your eyes. Because it burns there.
And chic with a lot of joy: “health health health health” in the universe.
You have a cold. But a lot of defense. Your immune system has not been attacked.
It’s all flying. We breathe everything. The defense force must be obtained by ointmentogenesis.
You’ve only got the beginning of the sniff. Look forward to your +⬆️ placebo working so well.
So my immune system is so good that I only have slight symptoms? Now that I remembered I also had a slight throat pain but only at the beginning of it is already gone! The constipation I had already there I had a bad cold and I used nasenspray too often as the cold at that time was gone my nasen caves remained a little clogged because of the nasen spray it takes more than 2 weeks until it was normal
Take nature, mint oil.
Doesn’t cost much in the drugstore market.
Put the bottle on the chin. Stay away with your fingers.
In the future, do so immediately if you have a moment: “Uh, cheerful” and want a lot of joy inside and “health” at the God Principle/Universum.
That’s how I’ve been spared 17 years from every cold. This is salutogenesis u placebo, keep it hot.
Mint oil is nature, we also 😊. We’ll fit together.
You’ve said this wonderfully!
Thank you.
It can’t know what an FS is doing. And no one really knows FS.
Read the package!!!
It is only always in the answer whether it is meant, in the sense of God & Christ good, in love. Then the universe/God principle will help. We are awareness.
can’t react well, but everyone knows that before.
Does the questioner I answered, Asthma?
Logically, people with severe bronchial disease must be careful.
I know you meant well.
Generally speaking, mint oil is good but as you say, it is always very nice to use because some people do not react well to it, and asthma cannot be done.
You could, of course, leave bread, rolls and pastries at this time! Nothing with flour, because it contains gluten and the stuff just swallows the airways! (When the nose is free, you can eat everything again).
And get some vials seawater nasal spray OHNE additives (very inexpensive at net or DM). Of this, you pust 2 pumping rams into each nose hole and pull it up. After a few kneading with your fingers: brush your nose – often it is free!
The tip with Olbas drops or herbal oil is also old-fashioned.
Drink 2 to 3 l/day water or herbal tea without sugar.
Then I wish you better!
The problem is that sometimes only the doctor can help if you don’t have a normal cold could be the zb still ne allergy or a polyp that needs to get out with OP zb.
If it were a cold, it could help camomile steam bath, but it doesn’t bring much.
you need HNO
The problem I’ve never had
what exactly did you never have?
they can suddenly arise, polyphen also, that is the stupid thing about allergies, you realize that even at the second contact, at the first the body does not yet react.
but allergies are only against certain things, so you can filter relatively well.
allergies of this kind
Inhale, inhale, inhale!