Leichte Atem Probleme nach Speed und sehr viel Nikotin?

Hallo ich konsumiere jetzt eine Zeit lang speed 5-6 Wochen habe keine Pause beachtet ich war am Samstag feiern wir haben ein paar Lines gezogen und erhlich gesagt sehr viel geraucht und. Da würde mich interessieren ob es etwas mit dem zu vielem Konsum zu tun hat ich nehme gelegtenlich auch xtc zu mir aber noch nicht so oft und auch nicht in hoher Dosis danke im Voraus

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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Drug use is associated with various risks. Unfortunately, the use of illegal drugs can also be associated with inestimable consequences, as you never know exactly what you actually take. In any case without drug checking.

ANNEX https://www.eve-rave.org/drogen-abc/drugchecking/

The more common and intense one consumes, the more likely the occurrence of unpleasant side effects. Whether there is a connection between your drug use and the respiratory problems here is not detectable at this point. Strangers from the Internet can unfortunately not make any diagnosis.

If you’re too bad, please make a visit to your family doctor and tell you how you are. Thanks to confidentiality, you can also talk about your own use of drugs. Confidential advice by professionals is also available on the phone: https://www.116117.de/en/index.php

You should adjust your drug use or so. at least take a break. Maybe interesting:

Good luck!

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Please. Okay!

2 years ago

Speed expands among others the bronchi, if you smoke like a slot, the smoke comes deeper into the lungs, from which it can already shed

Does everything sound like a fucking critical consumption pattern

2 years ago

Fresh air, walks, healthy diet, plenty of water, possibly a bit of sport, if you don’t get to the Doctor

2 years ago

dosis facit venenum