Lehrerin verdient sehr gut?

Also wie findet ihr das

eine Lehrerin verdient vielleicht ungefähr 4500€

Miete vielleicht 900-1000€ in der City 3 Zimmer Wohnung

alles Bio Produkte Einkauf bis zum Beauty bio produkte monatlich 400€ geschätzt

bausparvertrag monatlich ca 400€ nach 20 jahren ca 100.000€ gespart

4 Mal Urlaub im jahr

plus 150€ Minijob Putzkraft nie putzen zuhauE

und unkündbar

also ich muss sagen das Lehrer echt gut verdienen oder…. Was sagt ihr dazu ?

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1 year ago

In fact, German teachers are on average the top earners in Europe, and thus probably in the world. Unfortunately, how much teachers in Switzerland deserve is not included.


Now you can get angry or wondered or both. And certainly there are teachers who teach at an idyllic and rural school and it is more easily earned money. And certainly I also want to pull the ears long for a friend of the teacher couple (both beamed) when they tell me what they can afford. Just for the broad grin they put on the day, you should miss them a nose. The teachers you report are actually there. You can’t deny that.

ABER: This ideal concept is not given everywhere. There are enough teachers who have to fight for respectless pupils. There are only a few countries where teachers have less reputation than in Germany and they get to feel it in many places daily. .

Problem pupils draw a variety of conversations and these cost all the time that no one sees and for which a teacher gets no extra money. In some schools teachers are happy when they leave school unharmed – and this day by day. In the evening, they will have to answer the parents’ threats, as they gave their “wonderchild” only a 2 instead of a 1.

The lack of teachers is home-made and was predictable, as the Ministers of Culture did not manage to look at the births of the vintages. This also means growing class strengths and representations in subjects, of which they have no idea. It is not that this is all on the wish list of teachers.

And then the inconsistency was held that young teachers were kept short financially and they were only partially set up for the lesson but left to the holidays. These teachers were far from your numbers. In addition, it increased the inconsistency of taking this profession, which in turn allowed the lack of teachers to rise.

There are many other points that you could lead, but I think I don’t have to. If teachers at public schools were such a dream job, the question arises why not want to take this dream job significantly more.

1 year ago

a teacher may earn about 4500€

It depends on whether she’s an official or an employee. In addition, in which grade or grade it is.

and inconsistent

They are not inconsistent. Employees and officials can be released.

1 year ago

a teacher may earn about 4500€

Gross. Net comes out less.


What do you say?

These are the salaries for officials who can then also be transferred by their servants.

Many dedicated young teachers receive only frozen contracts from summer holidays to summer holidays and are unemployed during the holidays. In the rich Baden-Württemberg, this amounted to 3700 teachers until 2023. See here: https://www.swr.de/swraktuell/baden-wuerttemberg/sommerferien-in-baden-wuerttemberg-starten-100.html

1 year ago

Not so easy.

Of course, insurances, contracts, etc.

a teacher may earn about 4500€

A teacher gets net less money out with the charges.

4 times holiday in the year

4x a year vacation… depends on where, but vacation has become very expensive.

1 year ago

For so much money, she must have been promoted in school for a long time.

Besides, you completely forgot the insurance, especially the KV.

Yes, the merit is good, but absolutely appropriate.

1 year ago

You forgot the taxes and insurance.

1 year ago

Haha, there’s gotta be someone awake…

1 year ago

How much is it?

1 year ago

Yes, but legal is dependent on income.

1 year ago

Many other factors are added. As an official, I pay only 410€/month for 50% health insurance

1 year ago

Of the 4,500 € remain in my example as an employee 2.888 € and teachers earn no 4,500 € net.

Income/net calculator profit?uuid=7a0f8489-6e0e-48e2-87d5-75fabea1e484&brutto=4500&lzz=1&stk=1&kinderpv=false&zkf=0&kirche=false&bdl=01