Lehrerin muss Arbeit genehmigen lassen?
Meine Lehrerin muss eine Arbeit genehmigen lassen in der ich eine 1 geschrieben habe, weil die hälfte der Klasse 5en und 6en hat.
Wenn die nicht genehmigt wird, wir eine neue Arbeit schreiben und in der neuen Arbeit schreibe ich nur eine 3, zählt dann die 3?
Weil irgendwie finde ich das nicht sehr fair um ehrlich zu sein
The work is usually always approved. It is not reasonable for the teacher to create a new job and also to correct what takes hours in debate.
In NRW many years ago, young teachers were accused of visiting, their work would not be correct and would not be properly evaluated if there were so many 5n. They then “repeated” the evaluation criteria. The lazy pupils came through with these teachers at least somehow.
Basically, if a work is written again, the note of the new work applies to all.
In the case of vocational training institutions, the better note may be retained if the student has not improved.
I don’t know.
You can ask if she can add one to the notes. Teachers have a little playroom at the place. You won’t get rid of the three, but you can add the 1 to the sheet