Teacher grades unfairly what should I do?
We had another test today, and I got 10.25 out of 15 points, and the teacher gave me a 4. My friend sitting next to me got 12 out of 15 points and got a B+. I don't think that's entirely justified, because we only had a 1.75 point difference, but I got two grades lower. The teacher was uncooperative and didn't want to tell us what score was needed to get a certain grade.
PS I'm in the 10th grade at a secondary school, so it's my last year and I wanted to ask what I can do now and what your opinion is.
Go to the Directorate. Show it to her boss and ask him what he says. Your parents can also officially complain
When I went to school, I had a teacher who quoted a pupil forward at the beginning of each hour and asked three questions about the previous teaching material. Who had everything right, got a two in the best case. It’s bad luck for the one pupils who screwed up their cut, even though everything was right.
The reason was that you can’t be sure about so little questions that someone knows everything…
Make 31 and pledge the old to the Secretariat
She’s got to give out the key. Please take a complaint with the director.
I’ve figured out what I can do to get my degree.
How many notes you need
Which value should not fall below
How much I can be sick without problems
What I want to learn from the curriculum
Then I was maximum from the maximum to house and have bitten on such troubleless
And then I later applied with my qualis and the bad witness
The product has no longer looked closely
If one is overqualified in DE, he has 95% bad luck
Because any stupid people who have anything to report are always annoying
will not push me hard
the dumbest sits 90% in the chefetage and have no plan
If they realize what you can take, they will take you everywhere
Well, I would turn on my parents or alternatively ask the questions: