Lehrer nicht belasten wegen essverhalten?

So eine Email hat mir meine Lehrerin geschrieben und ich weiß nicht wie ich darauf antworten kann.

Ich möchte sie nicht belasten und meinen Eltern kann ich es nicht sagen da sie getrennt sind und sich garnicht leiden können.

Wie kann ich auf dieser Email reagieren Ja ich weiß ich esse in letzter Zeit wenig aber ich möchte sie nicht belasten?

Wie kann ich ihr schreiben dass ich das alleine schaffe und nicht ihre Hilfe BRAUCHE?

ist das nur ihr Beruf?

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8 months ago

I’d advise you to go to the doctor. Depending on how old you are, he also has a duty to silence. Write to her that you are going to go to the doctor and want to explain why the food is giving you such trouble. (Incompatibility, disorders, etc.) and you can also write to her that you are worried that you could burden her too much. You can also be so honest at this point and tell her you can’t talk to your parents at this point. You don’t have to expose all your family history if you don’t want to. It is important, however, that you really go to the doctor.

If you don’t have these problems because you want to lose weight intentionally, physical illnesses that trigger this could also be considered. Unfortunately, it takes a long time to almost be found, because you are not taken seriously when you have bad luck, so take care of yourself really timely.

Your teacher is definitely thinking. Since we don’t know what you’ve written to her, we can’t assess how at risk she sees you. You can also write that you just wanted someone to notice that something is going on. If the teacher is the right person, I can’t judge indifferent.

8 months ago

You’ve already burdened her, and she’s obviously not blind.

Even if your parents are separated, you can talk to them, either with your mother or your father.

Otherwise, take the offer of the teacher and talk to her. You’re not gonna make it alone.

8 months ago

If she offers you help, take her and ask her for a conversation in which you tell her you can’t talk to your parents. Together you will find a solution.

And please, don’t let her help go, because you can’t do it by yourself.

8 months ago
Reply to  Toni2023

Very important.

8 months ago

You could try if you don’t want to discuss it with your parents, contact another family member or discuss it with your friends otherwise I can recommend advice on wire if you’re from Austria and call it there! Lg