Lehrer Abschiedsgeschenk?
Hallo, ich habe Freitag den letzten Tag an meiner Schule und würde meinen Lehrer gerne etwas zum Abschied geben, er war für mich meine Bezugsperson und sozusagen ein Vertrauenslehrer, habe mit ihm über Probleme und alles geredet. Was meint ihr sollte ich ihm etwas Schenken zum Abscheid oder wäre das übertrieben? Wenn ja was soll ich ihm schenken? Blumen oder doch etwas anderes ?
Regarding the choice of the gift, you could write a personal letter or a thank-you card in which you express your gratitude and appreciation for its support. Such words can be very important and he can read them again and again.
If you know him a little and know what he likes, you could also choose a little gift in that direction. For example, if he likes books, you could give a book that might interest him. Or if he likes tea or coffee, you could get a special variety of it.
Flowers are always a beautiful gesture, but they are rather a classic gift for female teachers. Instead, you could consider a beautiful room plant that can brighten up his office or his home.
And finally, you could also consider a small farewell gift that has to do with school or teaching – for example a personalized ballpoint pen or notebook.
We have prepared many gift ideas for teachers here! You will find both funny and personal things: https://365presents.de/berufe/gifte-fuer-lehrer-und-lehrerinnen/
personalized cup or ballpoint pen.
Lindt Pralinen, a thank you card, a beautiful pen
The thing is, is it comical to give something to the teacher or do you think that’s okay?
Because you’re out of school, you can give something. Otherwise you could see it as a bribe or an advantage name.