Lehramt/ Journalismus?


Ich möchte gerne im kommenden Semester mit dem Lehramtsstudium (für das Gymnasium) in den Fächern Deutsch/Geschichte oder Politik beginnen. Ich habe Spaß an den Fächern, arbeite gerne mit Kindern und kann mir diesen Beruf total vorstellen.

Dennoch habe ich immernoch das Thema Journalismus im Kopf, kann mir aber nicht vorstellen das zu studieren.

Ich habe jedoch schon öffter gehört, dass das durch den Bachelor und Master in den oben genannten Fächern nicht ausgeschlossen ist.

Hat jemand Erfahrungen?

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1 year ago

“Journalism” is not a protected profession, in theory it doesn’t matter whether you come from the journalism school, have completed a doctor in neurobiology or a training to the tile investor if you apply to jobs in the field or provide services in the field. It therefore counts less your educational background, but more your network and your practical experience.

However, the demand for jobs in journalism is much greater than the need for personnel. Many journalists therefore work freelance and earn idR more badly than right and their merit is often less planner-proof. You have to be aware of this when you seriously consider this career path.

But to your question: Surely, you can theoretically base yourself in journalism with a MEd (teaching degree)… many journalists are cross-editors, and especially from your selection of subjects there can be a sound basis for it. During your studies, do volunteer internships in editors, maybe there is one or other chance of it. And in this case it is not bad that you are driving “smart”;) But as I said, the field is hot.