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7 years ago

Fleas lay their eggs where they live, on their host.

As the eggs have a smooth bowl, they sprinkle wherever the animal moves down from him.

A flea wheat can lay 50 – 100 eggs per day.

It’s enough to wash the laundry at 40 degrees.

Soil sucking and wiping is already good, but not enough to get rid of an existing attack.

Good luck with the big game hunt.

antnschnobe, UserMod Light

A flea-wheat alone lays 20 to 50 eggs a day on the host animal, but they would usually be shaken and found in the surroundings.

Here they will only become larvae who keep very well hidden, dolls, then fleas again.

Wash textiles at 50/60°, everything else like carpets, upholstery, beds well and wipe out – and that now every two days.
Put the vacuum cleaner bag in the garbage can out of the house!
