Legal Kaufbare/Mischbare Drogen?
Gibt es legale, kaufbare Drogen im Supermakt?
Also kann man mit bestimmten Lebensmittel drogen mischen und benutzen.
Ich suche nach etwas was den Kopf bisschen benebelt, also High wird.
Gibt es irgendwas was man legal phyisch kaufen kann?
If “high” means being “a little envy”, I don’t want to be “high”.
No, I don’t know what you can mix, maybe coffee.
For the more subtle among us there are nice things in the spice counter. Anise, cloves, pepper, all very tasty. Better take whole grains and kill, that’s for a tasteful high.
I’d avoid bag tea. The peppermint in the garden is rather planted, and in a few years there are delicious tea every day.
Legal drugs in the supermarket: ethanol, caffeine, nicotine.
Cough juices with DXM can be bought without prescription.
Is there any
In every pharmacy
Alcohol, there are in the supermarket, gas stations and kiosks.
Hemp seeds have been legal for years.
Can plant your own cannabis (who is illegal)
I bought a whole hand carer Legal (the flowers are illegal)
Yes, there is. This is a typical question that makes GF stand, but I am regularly locked up when I truly answer it, because I allegedly have gotten into something illegal. I’ll give you a tip. Do you like eating fruitcake? Do you think it’s better with or without cream?
Second tip: Which plants grow in D before which one has to take care, because they are more or less toxic?
I think I’m too stupid to understand that it’s still a tipp
Ask Torben45.
yes, called alcohol
I recommend grape sugar. the stuff is very good and relatively cheap : )
muskatnus, but deliberately overdose is ned so healthy, then nix have more in the magen^
Note: The use of nutmeg as a drug is very risky and can even be life-threatening. Effective and toxic doses are relatively close together.
General information:
beautiful, I answered the question what you do I know ned
If you take over a half nutmeg to you, you can already die so consider what you’re saying
I answered the question correctly, what is this “marriage” supposed to mean? half a nutmeg? well so smart everyone will be
My advice is meant for fellow readers who do not know how dangerous the nutmeg can be as a drug.
High, completely free, completely legal and completely healthy:
So there are things I wouldn’t write because it would be deleted rightly.
Write to me
Passion-flowered, CBD