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ich rede vo 5-15min vor ladenschluss.
If one does not actually take. There’s nothing going to happen because they’re just balancing this with the pawn.
I don’t think you’re legally allowed to do this because the cup was officially handed over to you as a loan.
No, you can’t.
Legally speaking, it is not theft, but at least a suppression of minor things according to § 248a StGB.
It is a slap because the cup is left to the clientele against deposit, although only temporarily. This would actually have the duty to take care of it and to return it.
and a beautiful evening
That would actually be theft. The pawn is there that the cup is also returned, otherwise you will be there later without a cup.
Some stands offer extra cups for sale, but they are more expensive.
Yeah, you can, that’s being calculated by the owner, that’s why the deposit.
The typical deposit for the cup is not a purchase fee, so you can not take the cup with you. But with us in the city it is explicitly designed so that the cups are intended to be bought over this deposit. You can even trade your used cup at the stand for a clean one to take.
No, you didn’t buy her. Can you take a shopping cart and keep it?
Yes, they can keep
Yeah, sure, you paid them with the deposit.
No, they didn’t pay for it.
You borrowed them just like you borrowed a car.
But the operators themselves do not bother that they take.
The deposit covers the costs, ergo doesn’t care about the operator.
I didn’t write that you paid them, but paid them, so to speak, so the costs come back in with the deposit.
The same thing I said
Hello Christian!
My knowledge is the right, is also made very often.
Pfand covers the value of everything, beautiful day.
Theoretically you can’t do it, but even the operators themselves don’t bother it so go take quietly with