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2 years ago

I don’t know

because the coating just goes off

Extensions and new acquisitions

I would leave it

2 years ago

You can get it from a sattler or use Colourlock for leather.

With Colourlock, you grind your steering wheel and recharge the color – it has proven well:

2 years ago

The damaged areas can be made somewhat less noticeable or sensitive with fine abrasive paper.

Who wants to have it perfectly grinds the complete leather – so you can get it open-pored. So like sport steering wheels from the accessories.

At work, leather wheels are almost always glued with black color – as soon as the hands sweat a little, the steering wheel becomes slippery. With open-pore leather, it is exactly different. However, needs a little more care.

Then, as already mentioned, apply black bee wax cream.

Neurodermitis hand cream with 5% urea is also a very good leather care. Brings moisture into dry leather.

Balistol is also well suited.

2 years ago

colour matching shoe cream and subsequently leather wax based on beeswax

There are also products specially made for this.