Lederkombi eine Nummer kleiner kaufen?
Hallo Biker/innen,
wenn mir eine (Dainese) Lederkombi im Geschäft passt “wie angegossen”, sich aber das Leder erfahrungsgemäß mit den Jahren noch dehnt, soll ich dann gleich dasselbe Modell eine Nummer kleiner nehmen? Würde mir auch noch passen, aber eben eine Spur “knackiger” stizen, als die nächste Kleidergröße.
Was sind Eure Erfahrungen? “Dehnt” sich eine hochwertige Lederkombi mit der Zeit um bis zu einer ganze Kleidergröße?
Danke und Gute Fahrt!
I’m afraid your statement on top is something. A leather combi must be crisp so that it fits properly. That means also pull in belly when closing the zipper. However, what it cannot do is cut somewhere, squeeze something or the like. The best way to sit on a bike with the combination once (each reasonable dealer has one in the shop) and then decide. In any case, even when buying longer al only 5min sample.
Pleasant leather only expands marginally in the run of time so that it will not be a number larger in 2 years.
My combination has already stretched a little while entering, but this is also the good thing about leather: it adapts perfectly to the wearer after some time.
entry means, of course, you really need to dress and wear the combination; after two rides or in the closet nothing will change…
I’d rather buy the closer, I like it if the combination also After the entry is crunchy, then nothing flutters at a higher pace, and the protectors remain even in a violent fall where they should be.
I think it feels better to be stuck in a narrow combination and looks better. Of course, the views are different.
By the way, I’ve been wearing my combination for many years and I’m not “growth” yet.
One more tip:
I would also look through the protectors in the case of brand combis, perhaps there are better. Especially in the back or hip there are often no good fit.
I think you’re right with what you write 🙂 Thank you!
No. Buy her so she fits. You don’t feel comfortable.
Remember that you’re not just sitting on the Marail. If the robe is too tight then it becomes really uncomfortable.
Until the leather has widened, you have a few years more on the counter and the chances are not bad that you need a number bigger.
… you mean the combination grows with 🙂
That’s more likely.
Unless you’re currently overweight and have a lot to take off.
Yamaha FZ6S, but as a sozia! For this I think I have the optimal measurements! 🙂
Counter question: which motorcycle do you drive with this body size?
Are only my experiences 🙂
I wouldn’t leave.
From 40:)
Because a large part of us simply increases when we get older.
Why can’t you keep the weight? And 55 kg is not too little for this size…
… that with the “something more” my friend always says… 🙂
Then buy the number that is not too tight. 55kg you will not be able to hold in the next few years – and it will not hurt you to have 2-3kg more.
Nöööö, with 55 kg at 158 cm I feel comfortable 🙂
I’ve had a size of 48 cuts. Up to size 52 I could wear them. Then the restriction of the mobility and loading of the material was too great. Period 4years.
How do you want to get in the number smaller then if your size is “fits like cast”?
Sounds like the future motorbike rides will be quite swung and you are restricted in your movement…
I understand exactly what you mean, but then you have to keep the weight and the stature and must not increase
bought my Laguna Seca vo Dainese in 44 although I am 1.76 m and 66 kg heavy. At the beginning it was already tight but now it is top and the combination sits tight 😉🔥
So you want to move until the leather has widened in an uncomfortable combination as a pressurn 🙂
Hey, so “worst skin level” I didn’t even have in the smaller number!
Then take the smaller one. You’re not inexperienced as a sozia and can judge how comfortable it is. A little it will widen, but not a whole size. So not to the extent, rather neuralgic points like butts, knees… where tension is on the material.