Lederjacken preis, profis?
Hey, das geht an alle Leder Experten und zwar habe ich eine Lederjacke (Bilder im Anhang) die ich verkaufen möchte, aber ich weiß nicht für wie viel.
Wenn sich irgendwer damit auskennt, jemanden kennt der tut oder sie sogar kaufen möchte meldet euch bitte !!
Details: braune echt Lederjacke Größe L top Zustand außer das der Reißverschluss leider abgebrochen ist.
Ich wünsche jedem noch schöne Weihnachtstage und einen guten Rutsch.
I’m not an expert, but recently I bought a leather jacket. She cost 230 euros.
The defective zipper reduces the value enormously.
Normally, half of the purchase price can be demanded if the garment is in good condition.
The smashed label indicates a considerable age and makes a very bad impression.
I would also say that you will not be able to find a buyer for the jacket in this state, or you will not be able to request a maximum of 20 euros
I’m a big leather jacket friend. I’d even like it because it’s so ugly, ugly. Something like that was dragged back in the 80s as a punk in Berlin on the ground. As for the price? I don’t know. The leather seems to be relatively thin. The leather of my jackets (rib, horse, goat) is about 1mm thick. Here is an example (my favorite jacket)
I’d have to touch yours to make a judgment. If I like it (optical, odourous, processing and haptic) I would let a Hunnie jump. Maybe a little more. For this, there would be about 50-80€ for a new zipper. By the way, your jacket wouldn’t be too big for me.
Hey, thank you for your comment. The jacket seems to be a little fed so thin it is not now. The zipper is still on, only the slide has broken. Theoretically you can make the jacket with the zipper and additionally with the buttons.
What if she doesn’t come in question? Here are the dimensions
Shoulder: 54cm, Sleeve: 58cm, Breast: 62cm, Back length: 65cm.
For further questions, I like to be available.
In case of classified ads advertise and hope that they will pick up someone for free.
Free? I want to sell them. Thanks for the answer -.-
Used clothes can hardly be sold before they are damaged.