Lederhose nach dem Waschen weiße Flecke?

Ich habe meine leder Hose in der Waschmaschine gewaschen jetzt sind hier solche weiße Flecken ich habe mit wasser und seife versucht sie abzukriegen wenn sie nass sind, sind die Flecken weg sobald sie trocknen dann sind sie wieder da.

Was sind das eigentlich ?

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2 years ago

Never wash in the washing machine leather. It’s at least my leather stuff. Leather is a sensitive material and can be damaged by washing in a washing machine. The movements and water in the washing machine can cause the leather to swell, tear or deform. The cleaning agent and detergent contact can also attack the leather and make it porous and brittle.

It is better to clean leather with a damp cloth and mild cleaning agent by hand. If the leather is very dirty or requires professional cleaning.

2 years ago

Neither. Depending on the fabric, artificial leather is even more sensitive than real leather. Always only wash with wet cloths or let them clean professionally. I only brush my leather uniforms with thinly wetted cloths.

2 years ago

The garment is long-grinded when the drum is turned on the seal. You always have to turn it to the left when washing. Now take black shoe cream or leather color and clean away.

2 years ago

It doesn’t look like a real leather pants. More like artificial leather… washed too hot…?