Lebt man mit Dermatomyositis maximal 50 Jahre?
Lebt man mit der rheunatischer Erkrankung „Dermatomyositis” maximal 50 Jahre?
Weil mein Vater hat mir Mal gesagt, dass man mit dieser Erkrankung nicht älter als 50 Jahre alt wird. Wie findet ihr solche Aussage?
Stimmt das?
Und bitte mit Begründung
Don’t worry about that. I’ve been dead statistically for four years.
Why have you been dead statistically for four years? How old are you?
And do you have dermatomyositis?
I’m 52 and I have a so-called Alpha 1 anti-tripsin deficiency. A genetic disease in which my liver produces a false protein that destroys the inner organs, lungs, heart and liver. What I mean, your father can’t know, and I don’t know how old you are, but he shouldn’t tell you.
Because I’ve experienced it all my life, and I’ve been busy. Quantum physics is even close to proving that we create our own reality.
Why do you believe in the eternal prophecy?
Okay, so statistics are helpful to identify trends. They have little significance for individual destinies. In my illness, the average life expectancy is 49. But I only knew at 50 that I did. It’s a stupid example now, because you could still have cured it in the youth, but I would have experienced it with 18. I believe in the self-fulfilling prophecy.
I am. 19
A real forecast is not possible because this is completely individual.
Read the matter.
https://www.netdoktor.de/ Diseases/dermatomyositis/
https://deximed.de/home/clinical/rheumatology/patient information/different diseases/dermatomyositis
I have a juvenile dermatomyositis, so since childhood. And why shouldn’t mine tell me?
Are you in treatment?
I think the doctors can give you better information about how the disease develops. Or yourself. In any case, there are no general forecasts that apply to all patients.
20 years ago, an acquaintance was given 1 year due to his cancer. He is fitter than many supposedly healthy people.
And vitamin D3 20000 ie every 14 days
Yes, I go to rheumatologist in practice every 3 months and get 75 mg of azathioprin prescribed in the morning and 50 mg of azathioprin in the evening. I also take blood pressure medication