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Ich bin bei der Volksbank habe eine goldene Karte und weiß auch nicht was der Unterschied sein soll. Ich hätte zwar Vorteile aber muss jedes mal bei Geldabhebung 1€ bezahlen.
Findet ihr ich kann gut zeichnen?
Bin übrigens 13 Hier meine neuesten Zeichnungen, bitte seid ehrlich!
Mir wurde vom letzten jahr bis diesem Jahr Geld abgezogen Meta?
Letztes Jahr wurde mir wiederholt Geld von Facebook abgebucht, was jedoch oft fehlschlug. Gestern stellte ich fest, dass mir 235€ wegen Werbeaktionen abgebucht wurden, was ich letztes Jahr nicht bemerkt hatte, bis ich gestern mein Online-Banking überprüfte. Ich weiß nicht, woher diese Abbuchungen kommen.
The weather is better, for this are earthquakes by continental plates standard.
You need a car, the traffic in Germany is 100x better.
The social system is much worse and the doctor, study etc. expensive.
Every now and then someone’s balling around.
You can get undisturbed ciffs without anxiety for police. In Germany, too soon.
There are more homeless people than in Germany.
But the weather is better 😏
Depends on the social layer. I have relatives in California who do good jobs (sick sister, professor, lawyer). They love life there and tell a lot of positive. Mentality and weather are also better than here.
One of my other relatives works for minimum wage and is the happiest person on earth. You can also be happy in lower social layers.
For example, you can enjoy free healthcare and University 🏥👨
Germany is also very gloomy and depressive. My U.S. cousin confirmed that, too, she made a vacation here. She describes Germany with the word
And I’m just doing it!
Only if you have money. For normal people this is certainly not the case
Not necessarily. Many live worse
Teurer, öder, unsafe, on earthquake ground and without social net.
Why kill?
He’s Sachse and he meant or.
You live in almost every western country better than in Germany. Apart from one comes from some shithole and Hartz IV regards as a social ascent.
If you have money, but most people don’t.
That’s good. Only Germany is so stupid and takes up all human waste.
Do you have a good job? Otherwise Germany
California is terrible
I emigrated to Malibu, California in 2016 and would never return to Germany.
We are free citizens here and you can live very happy. It has both breathtaking nature and international, multicultural cities. The standard of living is much higher and we have great weather throughout. You can ski in the morning and surf or dive in the afternoon.
Germany has been a left-socialist dictatorship since 2021. People there are very underdeveloped and poor as well as travel warnings for the country worldwide for terrorism.