Lebt es sich in der Schweiz besser?
Ein Leben ohne Zukunftssorgen und Altersarmut?
Ein Leben ohne Zukunftssorgen und Altersarmut?
Um Meine Frage zu verstehen muss ich ein wenig ausholen: Ich lese ständig irgendwo im Netz in Bereichen wo es um Themen wie “Bushcraft” etc. geht irgendwelche Aussagen, dass es ja (aus irgendwelchen zurechtgelegten Gründen oder aufgrund von spitzfindigen Wortklaubereien) doch irgendwie OK sei, dass man draußen in Feld und Wald geplant übernachtet, so lange man…
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Ich studiere gerade Informatik in Brandenburg und habe mich mal nach Praktika und Werkstudentenstellen umgesehen und musste feststellen, dass fast alle besseren Unternehmen in München und Umgebung sind, während man in Berlin/Brandenburg kaum Top-Unternehmen findet. Zum Beispiel finden sich in München Google, Apple, Microsoft, die ganzen Industrieunternehmen sowieso und viele mehr. Woran liegt dass, das…
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Ich habe gelesen, dass es auf der Insel Neuwerk einen Inselsprecher gibt. Weiß jemand, was dieser genau tut, was seine Pflichten und Befugnisse sind? Wie oft wird der Inselsprecher gewählt? Ich würde mich über jegliche Infos zu diesem “Amt” freuen.
You obviously ask all the countries of the world that are considered attractive on housing and work. Now Switzerland is on.
Switzerland is only attractive in terms of income levels for those who do not live in Switzerland. This, in fact, needs high incomes for the high cost of living.
To the fairy tale of the alleged tax advantage, only the one who has never determined concretely with one of the cantonal tax calculators how high the burden is. Switzerland has a wealth tax. Anyone who has paid off a detached house can happen to have paid more tax than in Germany.
In terms of quality of life, you can argue. It is necessary to consider that as a German in Switzerland you are foreigners and therefore not very popular, unless you are a tourist, you leave your money there and leave it right away.
Depends on the circumstances.
In any case, I would like to go to Switzerland sometime.
I have no arrogance, because I have saved in my life: Not like the Geiz are Geil Germans for a BMW, but for age.
Rent well
Pension fund good and saves at least 15 year wages.
What am I reading? No future concerns and no poverty?!
Don’t believe everything you hear. As a Swiss born here, it is not much better than in other countries. As immigrants to Switzerland, it looks different again.
You don’t want Deustche to wander? You are so racist!
Ne I think it has nothing that the Germans migrate into the country, but it is about that the claims of no aging poverty and no future concerns simply do not vote. Especially to native Swiss, the country is not very social and these problems are there, as with us.
of course that’s exactly what I meant XD (Ironie)
Much better.
Germany used to be good, today you can forget it.
Therefore to all young: Let yourself be trained well in Germany and then go to Switzerland.
No, there are both in Switzerland.