Leberkäse ohne Kühlschrank haltbar?
Ich möchte Leberkäse selber aufbacken. Wie lange ist es dann ohne Kühlschrank haltbar? Im Zimmer sind es ungefähr 20 Grad
Ich möchte Leberkäse selber aufbacken. Wie lange ist es dann ohne Kühlschrank haltbar? Im Zimmer sind es ungefähr 20 Grad
Gibt es eine krankheit bei der man zwangsweise fleisch essen muss?
Die Schwester (11) einer Freundin wollte die mal probieren. Dürfte sie die kaufen?
Don’t put him directly into the sun, 2 days he keeps on the piece without problems, even after that I would still eat him if he exists the classic tests (see, smell, taste).
Even though I am stoned by the 0-Keime Group for this.
Couple hours
After cooling, you should cool it naturally
I would be Not at all store without refrigerator. Even a few hours can already have negative effects
After baking, you have to let it cool before you put it in the refrigerator
Yeah, sure, and I’d put it in the refrigerator in the freshly baked state.
Okay, that’s a good argument.
But right. I wouldn’t put it SOFORT in the refrigerator, but very timely… about after an hour or something.
Because the meat cheese separates a lot of steam (liquid).
Moreover, it is always bad to put hot into the refrigerator because the temperature then rises in the refrigerator
Hot in refrigerator?
That’s not good