Leberkäs/Fleichkäs mit oder ohne Ketchup?
Ich hatte letztens mit Freunden eine Diskussion oder man Leberkäs(e)semmel (/Fleischkäs(e)semmel) mit oder ohne Ketchup essen sollte und daher wollten wir einfach mal das Internet fragen. LG
Ich hatte letztens mit Freunden eine Diskussion oder man Leberkäs(e)semmel (/Fleischkäs(e)semmel) mit oder ohne Ketchup essen sollte und daher wollten wir einfach mal das Internet fragen. LG
Mir ist klar, dass ein Panna Cotta mit Milch dann eher Latte Cotta heissen müsste. Aber mir geht es um den Geschmack, macht es einen Unterschied, ob man Rahm oder Milch nimmt? Oder kennt jemand sogar ein gutes Rezept mit Milch oder ähnlichem? PS: Mir geht es nicht unbedingt darum Kalorien zu sparen. Aber da…
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This is wonderful with ketchup, best baked with cheese and then the ketchup on it :-). And a load of pommes with Mayo!
That’s what you can think of like a rooftop.
Liver cheese is available with ketchup, sometimes with medium-sized mustard, sometimes with sweet mustard, and sometimes with fried eggs and sometimes with banana and then baked with cheese.
here in Oberbayern it is already a kind of blasphemy.
That’s why I always order: Lebra cheese with ketchup!
I usually don’t get it.
Sweet mustard still exists.
That’s just like Whiteworst with Majo.
Although it tastes delicious.
Munich Whiteworst with mayonnaise.
A French specialty for gourmets.
If you want to be identified from OBB.
Yeah, well, there’s something compliant with that. But I’d rather stay with the pure white sausage with sweet mustard and a must with butter.
Whiteworst wraps with Laugencroûtons
Ingredients for 2 persons
930 kcal per serving
1TK eyebrow for pre-baking 4large salad leaves1/2 bundle of radishes (approx. 150 g)2White wort3 ELMayonnaise1 Elbow Senf4 TLsüßer Senf2 ELSlices1Pack of tortilla wraps (280 g, 4 pieces)
Weidners are weak.
If I could get it down, I’d try it in the OPF. But I don’t think it will happen.
Like a popular one, there is no one.
I’d eat the meat cheese without ketchup. If it’s a good meat cheese, you don’t need anything. And if I were, I would take Senf.
No choice of me. You should eat liver cheese/meat cheese depending on your pleasure and mood: times with mustard, times with ketchup, and times with mustard, ketchup and majo. – Or without that.
So with us is the meat cheese. And a good meat cheese doesn’t need ketchup or mustard. Bad meat cheese against it, can’t have enough of it. But life is definitely too short to eat bad meat cheese. ;
If a Munich reads that!
Of course, without ketchup if with mustard!
Anyone like him or she wants. I’ve got a must on it.
It’s just a must for me.
I like ketchup and eat my sausages with it. Also with mustard and ketchup if this is offered.
But only liver cheese on rolls, I’d rather eat it. I don’t mean the supermarket cold meat cheese.
Note: “With” is always (!) better than “With”…! 🙂
with senf.
and without buns.