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Your life has the meaning of your life.
The attributed meaning can change over time. If the former sense of life no longer fits, you can develop a new one.
Maybe that sense wasn’t so good, more a fixed idea. And then one day you find that you were fighting windmills and falling into plain giants. The void after that is scary for the first time. The spirit needs a task, man needs a goal! But what if we really sit in a hamster wheel without beginning and end?
Gampopa has given the advice in the “Girlande for the highest way” when you have left home, you should not build a new one. This means trying not to exchange a passion for another.
If you don’t like it, you can talk to a person. There are free nautical services on the internet and via the phone. You can also go to a psychologist.
I found my sense. My mind, maybe it helps you:
Of course you can have fun. One can do meaningfully, for example, help people, be there for others, use for the environment or donate money. I’m thinking of fair trade.
I’m Christ. Many people believe that God gives meaning to life. God loves you. If you want to know something that convinces me that there is God, you can ask me, for example, or go to my profile.
I don’t see how God can give one meaning in life unless one is dedicated to the mission of other people.
This can be done, but it can take time and possibly help from outside is required.
Yeah, you can.