Lebenslauf bei häufigem Schulwechsel?

Hallo liebe Community,

ich möchte mich für eine Ausbildungsstelle bewerben, habe aber ein kleines Problem mit meinem Lebenslauf. Ich habe insgesamt 10 Schulen (inklusive Grundschulen) gewechselt und zwei Studienabbrüche hinter mir. Ich frage mich, ob es zu viel wäre, wenn ich auch die Grundschulen aufführen würde, oder ob ich wirklich alles reinschreiben sollte. Mein Lebenslauf wirkt dadurch ziemlich voll und ich bin etwas skeptisch, wie das auf potenzielle Arbeitgeber wirken könnte.

Danke im Voraus!

Viele Grüße

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8 months ago

Write in the school where you have completed + your exact degree, the other schools no longer interest anyone.

The two studies also write in because an aborted study is still better than a gap in the CV.

And then everything else between graduation, studies and now. Minijobs, FSJ, Volunteer, Club activity… It’s best to look like you’ve always done something meaningful. If there is actually a gap, they lead with as much flowery formulation as possible (I have written for example for my long-term illness of about 2 years “xx.xxxxx – xx.xxxxxx: health care and rehabilitation”).

In short, it counts what you did in your adult life. The more sensible and more relevant for the place that was, the better, but the main thing does not leave any incoming gaps. You might think you might have been in prison in time.

8 months ago

Primary school can generally be left. That doesn’t say anything about your person today. I think secondary schools etc are also more where to look at it.

8 months ago

Primary school you can leave, at most perform the last primary school (so where you have completed the 4th grade).

8 months ago

everything in