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2 years ago

A gift certificate. After 30 ErbStG, the acquirer has to report this to the FA responsible for the donation tax within 3 months, after obtaining knowledge of the seizure.

If this ad is not allowed, it would not be a direct tax evasion.

As long as the donation does not exceed the free amount (400,000 € x 2), no donation tax applies.

leads a later gift, or If the sum of the allowances exceeds the amount of the allowance, the missing indication of the claim leads to a tax evasion.

Therefore, such donations, even if the allowance is not exceeded, are to be displayed to the tax office.

2 years ago

I don’t want to be smart, but dead parents can’t give up anymore, just inherit what, by the way, comes out of tax on the same.

Donations are not immediately subject to registration as long as they are below the allowance of 400’000 (parent child), but would then be indicated in the original case if the parents were to die before the expiry of 10 years.

2 years ago

Not at all. The amount is €400,000 per parent, together with €800,000. The 10 k are not interested.

2 years ago
Reply to  lesterb42

Nonetheless, it is accountable

2 years ago

If you want we can share I’m Broke!😂😂

2 years ago

Why – Your parents can give you up to 400,000 euros free of charge.

2 years ago

Not at all!

2 years ago

It doesn’t have to be reported.