Leben ruiniert durch Schmerzen?
Was tut man wenn man wegen chronischen Schmerzen nicht Arbeitsfähig ist, nicht selbständig Lebensfähig ist, nicht Sportfähig?
Für die, die sagen geh zum Arzt, leider meint der Arzt ich bin zu jung um solche starke Schmerzen zu haben, wird wohl psychisch sein.
Genaue Untersuchungen wurden nicht gemacht.
Trotzdem sind diese Schmerzen einschränken, weil man absolut keine Motivation hat irgendetwas zu tun.
Was soll ich tun, wenn mich chronische schmerzen jeden Tag Quälen, aber der Arzt alles auf Psyche schiebt?
First change the doctor, trust with the doctor must be there. Appeal against the readability of diagnosis and medical reports on the health insurance card. You might be in a drawer.
“Aha, the other doctor has already thought of the psyche, etc…
Then describe how you feel, investigations that could lead to results and you would like to have an explanation and therapy. Don’t let go and ask until you get a meaningful explanation.
Quite often there is no explanation for pain, you must not give up, because the pain is real. The last means should be abandoned.
I know it from my own experience, I am chronically ill myself, have a reliably diagnosed MS since 2018 and now I know that I have probably already received it 15-20 years before. Since the symptoms were very undifferentiated, they have not been recognized for a long time. What does not mean that you could have MS, because pain has a variety of causes.
I wish you a curious doctor and reasonable measures for diagnostics.
Orthomolecular consult working doctor.
How is vitamin D3 mirror?
Without enough vitamin D3 No Life.
See Dr. Raymund van Helden.
Doctors don’t care.
There are already some,but they are not 0815 school doctors.
And you have to pay it yourself.
But I have brought myself all the autodidactical through reading and listening to myself.
Then read yourself and Rechechier Du haast internet .
Vitamin D 3 is not expensive at all.while a start
have no money
Find another doctor.
I would say lay down and give up
I don’t care what you’re doing, and what you’re doing with advice. Ask me, but why you ask here if you know. Find Smalltalk, then sit in the inn’s inn to the regular table, or run Tikitoki or an instanttelegram. That’s not the right place.