Leben, altern, Tod?
Ich stecke in einer absolut gedanklichen Zwickmühle.
Seit nem halben jahr leide ich unter schweren depressionen. War auch in therapeutische Behandlung, wurde jedoch nicht ernst genommen und bin auf einer Warteliste. Ich hatte monatelange dissoziationen und hatte viele Gedanken. Hauptsächlich befand ich mich in dieser Zwickmühle:
Ich lebe jetzt, habe mal nicht gelebt. Ich altere und kann nichts dagegen tun und werde früher oder spöter auch sterben. Ich möchte nicht sterben aber wünsche, sterbe zu können um zu wissen was nach dem tod kommt um weiter in Frieden leben zu können.
Das klingt etwas irre aber uch weiß nicht weiter. Habt ihr Tipps? Ich bin eigentmich glöubig aber moch nicht so lange so intensiv. Ich taste mich daran aber mich verunsichert vieles obwohl ich mir sicher bin, dass unsere existent nicht einfach aufhört.
Was denkt ihr ? Hattet ihr sowas auch mal ?
PS: ich leider auch unter starkem ptbs
Other thought: The present is the only time you can influence and experience.
You can always plan for the future, but you never know if that happens. See Coronazeit: Those who have planned something for 2020/2021 could often not implement it.
You can remember the past, but don’t change.
But in the present you can do a lot so that you have a nice time. In the case of depression, this is certainly much heavier. Then work to be treated as soon as possible. Use the waiting time to optimize your life as much as possible (health, routines, rhythms – with routines are not meant to be excessive morning and evening routines of social media, but processes that make your everyday life easier. Consider where it hakt, how it could run better and then test it in small steps).
Always consider: Your life could run in all possible versions, in all possible directions. What if you had your most beautiful time, for example, in 10 years, but your life would have ended before? You would have missed your most beautiful time!
You never know what’s coming, how your own mood, circumstances, people in your life, change interests.
You can only trust in life after death. Each one of us has a different time and nobody knows his. It is therefore possible to “just wait” but the waiting period should be used as well as possible. At the end of life one would like to say that one has lived as well as it was, filled with (subjective) meaning as it was possible. And often this meaning with 10 is another than with 20 and with 40 you might make things or have interests that you could not imagine with 20 and with 60 it can be completely different again!
And to depression: I knew someone who both legs had to be amputated at age. Above the knee. Relatively short-term. He was then completely bed-ridden, couldn’t even get out with the wheelchair because he could sit in a wheelchair for a maximum of 20 minutes. The fingers were bent strongly inward and could no longer move, on one hand the fingers were completely pressed against the palm of the hand and could not be used anymore.
One would think that man had no longer had an outlook in life. He also strongly restricted his social contacts, had few visitors, telephoned almost no longer – but had a tight, daily TV program with different types of shows and discussed them with the present. Had a strong interest in sport and politics. You could say that in the end only his head was active, but that was very.
Two years before his (foreseeable) death (due to the cause of begging), he had a depressive phase and food refusal in the KH. There it was said that one should simply accept it, some people would no longer see any sense in life. We then did not accept this, the cause of food refusal (sleep disorder) was treated, he got visit every day. The depressive phase then passed and it was just his day after his possibilities and potential interests.
In the 2 years between his death and this depressive phase he had time and again when he experienced very beautiful moments and actively – mentally – participated in life and others in which mostly the dysphagia (sleeping complaints) came back and the food was denied. We came across each of these phases. To the end (last 2 months) it became more difficult and he had less fun in life (due to a disease-related food refusal, which however was due to a non-diagnosed pneumonia – every evening it came to a wort).
Until these two months, there were times in which he had much joy in life. If one had said at the beginning of these two years, “it is no longer worth it”, many beautiful moments would have been missed!
I’d always think about it – you don’t know what else you might have missed. It can change so much. Also for positive!
When one thinks in 10-year periods, there is often so much happening within them, with which one had not expected to know people who are important for one who would show an aspect that one would not have expected. You learn new ways of seeing yourself. Find new interests. New routines. Changes his view of his life or important topics.
You can’t even say how these 10 years are going to happen, which will be important to you. How do you want to judge if you hadn’t missed enormously important during a long period of time?
And not to forget: Maybe the life of the third would also have had a positive influence in a way that is not even aware of now?
(No, not with answering questions on this page ðŸ ̃‰, but in profession, with partner, with friends, neighbors, strangers, whatever you do, whoever you meet in your life!)
Thank you for this super detailed answer. It helps me very much and the tips I actually follow something (it also helps a little) and I have been on a waiting list for several months.
Your increase gives me hope 🙏🏻
Here are basic tips to deal with the situation: you can talk to a person. There are free nautical services on the internet and via the phone.
I’m Christ. Faith helps many people. God loves you. If you want to know something that convinces me that there is God, you can ask me, for example, or go to my profile.
After death, eternal life comes. How eternal life will look depends on your life in this side.
That sounds interesting and soothing. What makes you so sure? Differently thought?
I believe in science speaks we will never exist only if we are dying and we are dying
I’m very cool. I see that similar but many saw exactly the opposite due to the scientific cahft:(
You saw exactly the opposite? What do you want to say you don’t know yourself
Many say that we will no longer exist “because of the knowledge cahft”
I’m sure we somehow continue to exist but yes
Life is endless.
How exactly can I understand?
It doesn’t end.