Leasingvertrag geht zu Ende, kann ich ein neuen Vertrag mit einem anderen Auto machen indem ich den Vertrag verlängere?

Wie geht das wenn mein Leasingvertrag zu Ende geht und ich zb ein neues Auto will, wird das alte Modell für die anzahlung genommen? Geht das überhaupt so einfach ein neues Auto nehmen und verlängern? Läuft im März 2022 ab, vielleicht kennt sich jemand damit aus

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3 years ago

No the car was never yours, so it is not taken as a deposit either. You go to the dealer and look for a new car with a new contract and then hand the old one off and ready.

3 years ago

Since you only rent a vehicle for a certain period of time in a leasing contract and do not belong to you, you must return it to the lease end.

You can’t use it as a deposit, after all it doesn’t belong to you.

If you want to have a new car, you will complete a new lease contract and return the old one to the end of its contract.

3 years ago

The old contract will be settled and the new contract will be concluded.

You don’t have a car for a deposit, at least not the old leasing car.

3 years ago


After the end of the lease contract, the car can return to the dealer or buy the bank.

It can happen to some extent that you even have to pay money to get rid of it at all, this is often a trap in lease agreements.

3 years ago
Reply to  Panda9019

Yes, the vehicle has an calculated residual value. However, if it is in a state that it is only less value, for example by scratches, bumps, rockets, … then you have to pay this loss of value, since the vehicle is not in the contractual state.

Or you’ll buy it for the rest.

Can it be that you have never really dealt with what leasing really is, and how it works?

3 years ago

When buying it to the residual value, it is often more expensive than if you would buy a suitable used vehicle.

3 years ago

You’ll return the old car and you’ll get a new one. Let’s get out of the way.

No, you don’t pay the old car, you never heard that. For the first time, each scratch is counted and every km you have traveled more than agreed.

This is actually discussed at the beginning of leasing

3 years ago

You’re doing this with the leasing encoder. It’s always easy with me.

The vehicle is of course not taken as a deposit because it belongs to the leasing generator.

3 years ago
Reply to  Panda9019

You can ask now. The new one must be ordered.

3 years ago
Reply to  Panda9019

If you want to lease a new car, of course you should do it in time. Especially if it is to be a new car that needs to be produced. It must of course be ordered so early that it will be there in time for the leasing end of the old.

Then your dealer can advise you when and how.

3 years ago

Wish vehicle should be ordered, only Corona can take longer, and it is always good to compare different offers

3 years ago

The old one is not taken for the deposit. Why? The car never heard you, so you didn’t manage to use it as a deposit.