Leasingfahrzeug voller Kratzer- Rücktritt möglich?
ich habe heute meinen neuen Leasingwagen vom Händler geholt. Zu Hause ist mir aufgefallen, dass der komplette Lack Mängel hat. Alles sieht aus als hätte man mit nem rauen Topfreiniger drauf rumgeputzt, wenn Licht drauf scheint. Teilweise hat der Klarlack auch richtige Abplatzer. Im Rücklicht hinten ist Feuchtigkeit auch noch. Der Lack kann ja nicht wirklich repariert werden. Wenn mir jetzt gesagt wird, dass sie mir ein anderes Fahrzeug bestellen müsste ich sicher wieder 6-8 Wochen warten bis es kommt.
Ist das gegebenenfalls ein Grund vom Leasingvertrag zurückzutreten?
Ich danke für jede Antwort.
In any case, you should immediately complain and how the dealer eliminates the damages his thing is delivered. Whether there is another vehicle or your is repolished, the supplier or forwarder is normally liable for this if a new car is..
The material or manufacturing fault can also be present. In the case of used vehicles, this may occur but they do not come into a leasing pool
It’s difficult. Especially since you took over the vehicle without complaining. If it’s running a lot now, these deficiencies are already going to your account with leasing. Why don’t you look at the vehicle reasonably before you take it?!
The condition was securely held in writing and you signed to have received the vehicle in this condition.
If you now make claims, you would have to prove to the dealer that the defects were already present without any doubt contrary to your express written confirmation.
This will hardly be possible, i.e. you will not receive a replacement and bear the costs for repainting when returned.
Another reason NIEMALS! To make leasing, it can’t count because the leasing ensemble always deserves full. And vehicles can also buy without the one.
Can you prove that the damage was on hand? Leasing means that the whole risk lies with you, so you can see the vehicle very thoroughly and in detail before you take it, much more thoroughly than a new car.
Apparently you got junk…
New cars?
I can’t imagine.