Leasing Rückkaufpreis?

Ich habe aktuell einen Leasing Vertrag für ein Auto am laufen, dieser läuft in einem halben Jahr aus. Meine Frage ist ob sich der Rückkaufpreis ändern kann wenn er schon fest im Vertrag geregelt wurde, ich frage weil der Wert des Autos in den letzten 2 Jahren gestiegen ist.

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2 years ago

You can buy it at the price specified in the contract to Leasingende.

2 years ago

This depends on what you understand by buying back. If you are Residual value then the leasing company can give you the vehicle either to this fixed residual value or to the book value or to the market value at the end of the leasing period.

A fair leasing company will offer you the remaining value of the car despite increased market value due to the general development on the current used vehicle market.

In fact, Purchase price in the lease agreement or in a separate contract, the leasing company will have to adhere to it.

2 years ago

No, the repurchase value can only deteriorate, in the best case remain the same. You will notice in the small print that value increases are only possible if you are less driven than agreed.