Im Juni LDH-Wert bei 216,am Samstag wegen Schleimbeutelentzündung in Klinik(Knie).Bei Blutentnahme platzte Vene.
LDH-Wert danach 283!!!!!
Kommt das von der geplatzten Vene,oder steigt der Wert nicht so schnell an?Habe Angst,weil der Wert auch bei Krebs erhöht ist.Muss ich mir Sorgen machen?
Any damage to the cell membrane leads to an LDH increase. LDH is completely unspecific and not necessarily a reason to worry
Thank you very much for taking your time to answer.
falsely high LDH values (without disease value) are measured at:
1. Hemolysis (depletion of blood cells) in the blood sample.
2. due to physical stress.
But does the LDH value go up directly?Hab hears that it needs 2 hours.Thanks for your effort from all heart
Nothing to thank.
That’s possible. Let it be checked again.
I wish you all the best!
Just ask your family doctor to check the LDH value again. Was there anything else noticeable?
Yes, I do.CRP,LEUKOZYTEN AND ERYTHROZYTEN best.Thanks for your answer