LaVita oder FitLine?

Hallo 🙋🙂 ich habe mich über Nahrungsergänzungsmittel informiert da ich selten Obst oder Gemüse esse geschweige Nährstoffe. Würde ich überlegen zu Nahrungsergänzungsmittel zu greifen. Einige Kontakte sagten mir LaVita soll gut sein und einige sagten FitLine da sie einen (flash) davon bekommen haben und meinten dann wirkt es. Ich möchte nicht beides nehmen und mich gerne mal informieren bei wem was gut an kam und auch besserrungen gespürt haben 😅

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5 months ago

Dietary supplements are somewhat indicative and should be used specifically. The main focus is on nutrition and lifestyle. If it does not yet fit, supplement can play a role, but remains maximum plan B.

With the pouring can principle, as with these two things you simply produce a false good conscience and a lot of expensive urine. You will never have a shortage of all ingredients at the same time and therefore most of them land in the toilet, so in fact it is always partly waste of money. In addition, most multi-preparates are rather poorly dosed, designed and not as well bio-available.

Both are very expensive in relation to what you get. At Lavita it is the name you pay with and the advertisement e.g. in pharmacies and medical practices.

At Fitline, various distributors earn a product purchase. People you have nothing to do with. Approximately 60% of sales come into a network of salesmen. Most of them are customers who then become sellers as laymen. This system makes the products just around twice as expensive without providing added value. You can’t order anything directly from the dealer at Fitline

I’d rather advise you to work on your problem with fruit and vegetables. Otherwise, eggs, cheese, meat, fish, nuts, seeds also offer numerous micronutrients.

Alternatively, you can think about a supplement. For example:

With the code “PIA15” again 15% cheaper.

But has the above weaknesses, like all multivitamin preparations.

4 months ago

You will only find out when you try it out 🙂 Incidentally, people always earn on a sale of any products – this is so – even the dental doctor deserves!

I’m a fan of complexes, I’ve tried a lot and finally landed at Fitline. I have made super good experiences with it – more energy, beautiful hair, nails, no more flowering at the lip etc.

Advantageous to Lavita: it tastes better, it is travelable, does not have to be stored in the refrigerator and you have good things for the intestine with in it 🙂

5 months ago

Yeah, if it were so easy. I definitely get too little on fruit and vegetables. I’ve tried so often to improve myself but I’m very happy with Lavita. The scientific approach and the natural liquid form were crucial to me. I pay 88 cents a day, that’s worth it.

5 months ago

All the bullshit, especially this MLM-cram is bullshit.